Monday, May 21, 2007 GXL 2007 Season 1 Battlefield 2142 Tournament

I guess this would be my first time participating in an official gaming league. I've just started playing BF2142 for a few months and now would be a perfect time to test myself against the real world :P.

Currently I'm representing the
Malaysian Battlefield Team 2 (MBT 2) to play at the GXL 2007 which started last Saturday. Although technically we were not ready yet, we were challenged by Singapore's [Bf.Nut] (which is one of the Asian Champions) last Saturday. Pitifully, I got a fever on that day, so we were clearly defeated (ok, lame excuse..). Anyway it was a good match and a good experience for our team. We just need more practice and teamwork for our next 11 matches. Hopefully we can win the next time though.

Oh, and credit should be given to the Australian shoutcaster, Gamestah Radio, for their exciting shoutcast and commentaries on the match.

You can download the commentaries here

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